Thursday, 11 June 2009

Allotment Update

Right check this out people!

Its will only be 3 weeks this Saturday but look how far we have come on the allotment (please take a look at the earlier post about the allotment to see what I mean).

We have actual signs of broad beans and tomatoes!!!! Not just that, the spuds seem to be doing very well, as do the courgettes. The runners aren't looking to healthy, but sod it, its all about having a go!

We have done it on a non existent budget, so most of the seeds and young plants have been rescued from work and the beds are very much made from what we have been able to skip dive. But Dave, Kaz and I are all feeling pretty chuffed!

Friday, 5 June 2009

Woo Hoo Back On Line

Finally the old tintyweb thing is sorted!

Check out the snap of my first try at Red Onion Marmalade. I made it for a colleague's birthday (I did also put in for the collection, I'm not that tight!). Lovely Verity drew a nice label for it too. I have seen a recipe for Red Onion Marmalade before but I didn't have one to hand when I made it so I winged it. Its worked out pretty well too!

Basically to make about 3 average size jars I used a bag of red onions, a packed of light brown sugar, 3 or 4 red birds eye chilli's, almost a whole bottle of red wine vinegar and about two and a half glasses or red wine, some good sprigs of thyme from the garden and a few bay leaves. I gently sauteed the onions & chili (for quite a long time) till they were very soft then added the herbs, sugar and everything else. Bring to the boil and then tern to a rolling simmer for about an hour. When its all nice and congealed and sticky, stick it into steralised jars.I think it shouls keep for a couple of months.

I had some with veg sausage in a wrap for lunch. Yum!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

BT Have Mucked Up My Tintyweb Connection

Sorry for the delay in updates! BT have managed to upgrade the speed of internet connection for the whole of my area but have somehow managed to knock out a wire that only affects my internet connection. Its four days since I have had a connection. Argh!!!!

In the mean time please enjoy the picture of a lovely Vegan Cherry Choc Cupcake.